What fears do you have that cause some sort of disruption in your life or keep you from trying something new?
Often times, our fears derive from a perceived lack of acceptance - something that potentially occurred in our past that our minds go back to every time we want to do or say something, but don’t because we are afraid of rejection or a response/result that would be different than what we would want.
For the most part, this boils down to protecting our ego - which plays a powerful role in our lives when it comes to making decisions and abandoning our fears.
Real growth in life comes from overcoming challenges (including fears and the ego).
***Write down a list of things you would do if you didn’t have any fears about anything***
It’s as simple as finishing this sentence...”if I didn’t have any fears about anything in my life, I would...”
It could be one thing or it could 100 things - it’s your life so you get to choose...and it’s worth living up to your greatest potential.