“I’ll sleep when I’m dead”
That was a mantra I lived by for what seems like a good portion of my adult life. When your business hours are wide open, many people feel a sense of obligation to never miss a call, email, or response to any situation that may arise - which can lead to high levels of stress and poor health habits.
Even if you are unable to get a full eight hours of sleep per night, getting good, deep sleep is what I believe to be the best situation for your mind and body. There are many ways to help improve your sleep - here are a few of my favorites that are proven methods in helping people reach their deepest state of blissful slumber:
•avoiding any screen time from your devices (phone, tablet, computer, TV) for at least one hour prior to bedtime
•spending time reading (especially a topic on something you enjoy or makes you happy)
•writing down your recap of the day - things you are grateful for - plans for the upcoming day - or ideas that you have that will improve your life and/or the lives of others
•meditate - spend the last few minutes just before your head hits the pillow taking time to meditate - apps like Simple Habit, Headspace, as well as many others are a great way to assist you - even Alexa can help...just ask her
Sleep is a vital part of healthy living. Your mind and body need it and deserve it.

Have a fantastic Friday!